Welcome to Eyoni's Place.

Simutronic's Status with the BBB.

How to file your own complaint with the BBB.

How Simutronics treats its Customers.

A couple quotes from the BBB.

"The Bureau is concerned more with business ethics, not whether a company was legally in the right."

"While the customer may not have a legal leg to stand on, the Bureau would consider this a proper complaint."

As you can see, there are options out there for the unhappy customer. Please keep in mind that this is a drastic step and should only be used as a last resort. Simu should be allowed the opportunity to correct their errors. But if all else fails, speak with the BBB about their business ethics.

Picture Page!

Thief ONLY Message Boards!

Thief ONLY Chat!

Elanthia's Races.

Lockpicking and Disarming.

Lockpick Carving.

Box Traps.

Message Boards.

The Hub (For the Prydaen in you.)

Thief Network

Glemm's Place

Poshly and Chrystian's House of Ownzing

This is a wonderful portrait of Eyoni done by the artist Crowolf!

Welcome to my site... for those of you who know Eyoni, well the person behind her would be me Tracy. For those of you confused by all this, I play an online rpg game called DragonRealms. In this game I play the cutest lil Elven thief you'd ever met.

Now for those of you that have no clue about DragonRealms let me explain it for you. Have you ever wanted to be a knight, mage, or barbarian? Well DragonRealms is the place to be all you ever dreamed when it comes to fantasy role playing. In this world of Elanthia, there are dangerous critters with fierce hunters. The entire land is full of excitment and adventure, as well as many other players to interact with.

Have I caught your attention yet? Within DragonRealms there are numberous guilds/professions you can join, Barbarian: the brute strength of the lands, Bard the singers and talemasters, Cleric: the Holy ones that keep the rest of us from meeting our maker, Empath: the healers and teachers, Moon Mage: the fortune tellers/mystics that depend mostly on magic, Paladin: our wonderful Knights in shining armor, Ranger: our foresters, trackers, and pathfinders... deadly with a Longbow, Thief: ME! We are the shadow group, the ones most look down upon, for we make sure you're never to burdened with coins, we also are pro's at opening trapped boxes, Trader: the moneymakers of the lands they deliver goods from place to place to get their coins versus hunting, and last but definately not least The Warrior Mage: name says it all, great fighters with ranged (bows) or melee (swords) as well as great magicians, the combination makes for a leathal fighting machine.

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