Disarm and Lockpicking Lecture.

This is my lockpick and disarm lecture, A few new boxes have been added since this lecture which you can refer to my trap page to get the affects of those.

You recite:

"'Hello and welcome to Thief Novice Night!"

You say, "Tonight we have a special guest lecturer, so I'd like to ask that you all keep any noise down during the lecture and that you hold any questions until after. If you have a question that can't wait until afrer the lecture WHISPER it to a Mentor and they will help you. To ask a question after the lecture whisper your name to me, and I'll call on you when its through. "

You say, "We do these weekly so always check news 4 17 for the updated schedules."

Eyoni says, "shhh yer listen'n to me nag everyone on sump'n"

You say, "Speaking of which since Eyoni is our lecture, I'll give the floor over."

You lean on Eyoni.

Eyoni giggles.

Eyoni says, "Hello hello, welcome to lockpick'n and disarm'n 101! My name is Eyoni and I'll be yer lecturer for the evening. I'll do my bestest to answer all questions at the end of the lecture and with luck I'll have answered most questions during the lecture itself. If you need to ask a question now or can't wait until the end of the lecture whisper it to a Mentor and they will help you."

Eyoni curtsies.

Eyoni says, "First let's talk about disarm'n. Disarm'n traps is what you do to yer boxes so as not to injure yourself or others while you pick the lock on it. "

Eyoni says, "There are twenty one traps to date that I know of, I will describe each trap to you and their affects. "

Eyoni says, "Knowing what the trap does helps you to know if you want to take the risk of disarm'n the trap in a public area or not. Lotta peoples get upset if you blow em up with a trap you are toy'n with. "

Eyoni says, "It was just recently brought to my attention once ya get good enuff with disarm'n you can simply "glance" at a box and determine what trap there is. Now you do need to have disarm skills to perform this, and you will learn no disarm'n from simply glancing at the box. If you use glance the chance of the box blowing up in yer face is none, where as if you actually disarm it there is a chance of it blowing up on ya. "

Eyoni says, "So let me repeat this, with glance you see the trap and it won't blow up on ya but you learn no disarm from it, with disarm you see the trap but can possibly blow yerself up seeing it and will learn with it. "

Eyoni says, "Now you will want to disarm your box at least twice, the first time you disarm it is to SEE the trap, the second time is to actually disable the trap. With each disarm you learn a bit of experience. "

Eyoni asks, "still with me?"

Eyoni giggles.

Eyoni grins.

Eyoni says, "When you are young you want to avoid at all costs high traffic areas such as the bank for disarming, as I said people get real upset if they get blowed up. "

Eyoni says, "There are several things you can do to help you with yer disarm'n and lockpick'n. You can have can have clear vision spell cast on ya, that boosts yer perception which does play into disarming. You can also have a bard play that sweet lil ditty drums of the snake which helps you overall with your box experience. Also you will learn from a guildleader khri #1 and #2 that you will always want to put up before proceeding to disarm and pick. "

Eyoni says, "Now before you disarm I highly recommend you remove all your armor. Armor hinders you, making it more difficult to disarm your traps, also there is one trap at this time that WILL damage if not destroy yer armor. "

Eyoni says, "You want to make sure yer wound free, because again those will hinder you. Some peoples believe that kneeling helps you when disarm'n and pick'n. I personally don't do that. "

Eyoni says, "Don't be discouraged when yer look'n for the trap and it suddenly blows up in yer face before you ever see the trap... it's just one of those things that happens from time to time even to the best of us. "

Eyoni says, "Ohh also you want to make sure yer bonus is good when you disarm and pick if it ain't you will have a very hard time succeeding. Another thing is you want to make sure you are in town when you work on boxes, in town is where yer bonus is and it will help you a lot if you take care of yer bonus and keep it as clean as possible. "

Eyoni says, "I would recommend not working on traps or locks if your bonus is bad.... your bound to fail at the simplest of boxes with a bad bonus. "

Eyoni says, "I will now offer what I believe to be recommended ranks of disarming for the certain types of boxes..... these are in no way set in stone just a sample guideline for ya. Also keep in mind discipline, agility and I think charisma helps you when disarm'n and lockpick'n, as well as perception. So again these are simple guidelines because each of us are different in how perceptive and agile we are. "

Eyoni says, "Ranks 0 through 14 you should work on goblin boxes, which can be located out the west gate of Crossing, north and west gate of Riverhaven, and over the stile out the north gate in Shard. These are the perfect beginner boxes to get you started. "

Eyoni says, "Ranks 15 through 24 should be reavers, wood trolls and grendels. Wood trolls and Grendels can be found out the NE gate of the Crossing go west then go trail, find a dilapidated door and go door. You can also find wood trolls in the vine yards up the North Trade Road and go trail, climb the hill. There are wood trolls in the Kelpie hunting area between Theren and Lagenfirth. Find a eucalyptus tree and go tree. Reavers are found down the Forest Path which is further along the North Trade Road. "

Schvartzgonif says, "goblins are Not out west gate of riverhaven. those are ogres now"

Eyoni says, "ok don't go out the west gate of riverhaven for goblin boxies"

Eyoni giggles.

Eyoni says, "Ranks 25 through 34 you will want to try Rock trolls and Marauders. Rock troll can be found west of Kearna villiage and climb the barricade. You must be circle five or above to be able to climb the barricade. Rock Trolls are also found out the south gate of Shard. Marauders are found outside Therenborough and go wall. "

Eyoni says, "Ranks 35 through 49 Swamp trolls. Swampies are out the east gate of Riverhaven. Go all the way northerly then go trail, head south then westerly. Look for a pierwalk, go pier then down. "

Eyoni says, "Ranks 50 through 79 Gargoyles. You can find Gargs near Shard out the North gate and look for a winding trail or if you are premie out the north gate of crossing and when you find a monk, go gully. "

Eyoni says, "Ranks 80 through 100 Death spirits and dark spirits. Dark spirits are out the west gate of crossing beyond the Tiger Clan green. You will need plenty of torches to light your way through their area as well as a blessed weapon. Death spirits can be found in the monastery out North gate of crossing if you are premie, or in Riverhaven in the manor basement. Death spirits also reside near Leth Deriel but this place is only accessible at night. "

Eyoni says, "Ranks 100 plus or more Adan'f. These can be found out the south gate of Shard and down the path that leads to the whispering woods. This leads to a derelict road. "

Eyoni says, "Zombie boxes, those vary so greatly I can't even being to set a rank limit on those. Zombies are the toughest boxes to work on yet, I myself have a hard time with these boxes with over expert levels of lockpick'n and disarm'n, they can be located through the copse up on the northern trading road. "

Eyoni says, "There are some other critters off on the islands and over in Theren, Langenfirth way that I didn't mention for the simple fact I ain't hunted em, and some are very new. "

Eyoni says, "Always find out what kinda boxes someone has before you agree to disarm them, and know if yer capable of doing them. "

Eyoni says, "Some peoples tip for doing boxes, some don't I'd hafta say majority do..... I personally don't accept tips because I need the skill to advance anyway, why pay me for it? That's just me though and I don't look down on anyone wanting to get a profit off it, most teefies do take tips. Don't get upset if the person does not offer a tip or you'll lose a potential customer, and never ever ever EVER steal from the person you did boxes for that will most definately cause the loss of a customer. I tend "

Eyoni says, "At some point in time you will indeed need others boxes to advance in our guild. Some thieves like to use "pet" boxes. By pet boxes I mean they carry around so many boxes in their pack and take them out from time to time and disarm them once, looking for the trap to gain experience before placing them back in their pack. "

Eyoni says, "This has risks in itself, just looking for the trap sometimes they randomly go off, and you will have to deal with the burden of carrying the boxes. I personally don't use pet boxes either, and some teefies look down on those that do use em, but that option is available to you."

Eyoni says, "Now for the fun part!! The actual traps themselves, there are twenty two to date and some are very very nasty."

Eyoni says, "I will tell you what each looks like and what they do, in no particular order."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "You notice a vial of lime green liquid just under the strongbox's lid. The stopper is attached so that the vial will open when the top is lifted." This trap you do NOT want to disarm in public areas, this is a gas trap and will form a gas cloud in the room you are in poisoning everyone in the room. "

Eyoni says, "aye twenty one"

Eyoni says, "there are just twenty one"

Eyoni blushes a bright red color.

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "Looking into the keyhole you see what seems to be a pin lodged against the tumblers of the lock. Connected to the pin is a small shaft that runs downward into a shadow." This trap when set off will bounce from room to room spitting out your goodies."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "While checking the trunk with an careful eye, you notice a lumpy green rune hidden inside the box near the lock." This one is a shapeshifting trap, you'll turn into a lil froggie, and I believe you need to be kissed to turn back."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a glint of razor sharp steel hidden within a suspicious looking seam on the coffer." Be prepared to lose a hand with this one if you fail."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "You notice two silver studs right below the keyhole which look dangerously out of place there." Nasty trap that shocks ya, definately get healed if you blow this."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "While inspecting the chest patiently, you see what appears to be a small, swollen animal bladder recessed inside the keyhole." Get to an empath immediately this is a disease trap and packs a nasty disease. In my opinion one of the more dangerous traps to fail."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "You notice a tiny needle with a greenish discoloration on its tip hidden next to the keyhole." Poison... need I say more? Hehee"

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "You notice a tiny needle with a rust colored discoloration on its tip hidden next to the keyhole." Again poison."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "You find a series of openings on the front of the chest concealing the points of several crossbow bolts glistening with moisture." Fail this one and bolts fly out lodging into you that are coated with poison."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "Looking closely into the keyhole, you spy what appears to be a pulsating ball with some sort of metal lacing around it. The lacing runs to meet a coin sized piece of metal near the keyhole itself." This is another nasty trap, you'll want to get to the empaths if you blow this one it'll cause such damage you can't continue pick'n."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "While checking the trunk for traps, you notice a bronze seal over the trunk's lock. The seal is covered in strange runes and a glass sphere is embedded within it." Mana trap does nothing to us."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "A glistening black square, surrounded by a tight ring of fibrous cord, catches your eye." This box blows up if you fail to disarm it."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "As you look closely, you notice a tiny hole right next to the lock which looks to be a trap of some kind." This trap is one of the reasons I remove all my armor to disarm, this is an acid trap and eats though anything it spills on."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "You notice a tiny needle with a greenish discoloration on its tip hidden next to the keyhole." This is another poison trap."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "Right above the lock inside the keyhole, you see a tiny metal tube just poking out of a small wad of brown clay." They call this a shockwave trap.... wicked trap to fail at, it blows up blowing everyone out of the room, causing nasty head wounds making your ears ring. Also if you are in town and blow this with a lot of people in the room, expect to be charged with a lot of fines and destroy your bonus."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "A tiny striker is cleverly concealed under the lid, set to ignite a frighteningly large vial of naphtha." Another trap that blows up. "

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "You find a series of openings on the front of the strongbox concealing the points of several wickedly barbed crossbow bolts." Bolts anyone? hehee this one is lacking the poison. "

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "While checking the chest with an careful eye, you notice a small glowing rune hidden inside the box near the lock." You will need a cleric that can uncurse if you blow this trap."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "Examining the box for traps reveals a tiny glass tube filled with a black gaseous substance of some sort and a tiny hammer at the ready to do what it was designed for." This trap is a riot, it's the laughing gas one. "

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "The glint of silver from the tip of a dart catches your attention as you go over the strongbox with an examining eye." You'll find a dart lodged in your head that's again poisoned you will want to find an empath."

Eyoni says, "This trap you will see, "Squinting slightly to see better, you notice the chest's keyhole is packed tightly with a powder around the insides of the lock." Nasty lil trap this one blows up and lodges slivers into yourself and those in the room with ya usually."

Eyoni says, "Okies now that we got traps out of the way let's move onto lockpicking. "

Eyoni says, "You can pick your boxes either by holding them in yer hand or having them on the ground. If you pick them on the ground you only need to "pick box", if you pick them in your hand you need to "pick my box with my lockpick". "

Eyoni says, "When you learn how to fix your lockpicks it's best to fix yer lockpicks between each pick, this will give yer lockpicks a longer life. "

Eyoni says, "Course if yer like me you normally have far to many lockpicks on ya anyway so it doesn't matter hehee. "

Eyoni says, "Once you get good enuff you can pick through the trap without setting it off. You will learn both disarm'n and lockpick'n for a pick through, risk equals reward. "

Eyoni says, "Hrm what else about lockpicking... it's dependant on agility, and perception. The better you get with lockpicking the better your chances of a pick through. "

Eyoni says, "You will want lockpicking experience to help you for carving lockpicking. That's a whole other discussion there so I'm not gonna get into that, just know lockpick experience plays into lockpick making. "

Eyoni says, "aye quality of lockpick makes a difference when you pick boxies the better the lockpick the easier it'll be to pick"

Eyoni says, "You can appraise your boxes and that'll tell you the difficulty of the trap and lock. "

Eyoni says, "I've heard kneeling helps with disarming and picking I ain't sure how true that is. So let's go over this right quick and then I'll take your questions. "

Eyoni says, "You get your box, make sure you are wound free, without armor, in town and have a clean bonus, using khri #1 and #2. "

Eyoni says, "Once you have made sure you've done all that you have the option of disarming the trap or picking through it, which I wouldn't recommend for a while. "

Eyoni says, "You can also just glance at you box if you have enough disarm experience to just find the trap then disarm the box to fully disarm it, or again you can pick through the trap. "

Eyoni says, "Now you can appraise your box to see how hard the lock is and decide if you want to work on it or not, you then take out your lockpick and pick your box with it. "

Eyoni says, "Again to make the life of your lockpicks last longer once you learn the skill of fixing your picks, fix em after each pick on a box. "

Eyoni says, "And that peoples concludes lockpick'n and disarm'n 101, hope I answered most of your questions. If not let's see what I can come up with."

Eyoni exclaims, "Tankee for stick'n round to listen to my ramblings, let the questions begin!"

Special thanks to Valloa for digging these up for me.