Lockpick Carving 101!
Eyoni says, "Hello hello, for all those that don't know me I'm Eyoni, wench
extrodinaire. I will be holding a lecture on lockpick carve'n today for all
of you that would like a better understand'n of how to carve, you are in the
right place! This is my first lecture of any kind so bare with me and I'll
do my best to answer all your questions at the end. Keep in mind that our
guild is full of secrets and some things I will not be able to answer or if I
do answer it will be quite vague."
Eyoni curtsies.
Eyoni smiles.
Eyoni says, "First off let's start with what you will need for carve'n. You
will want to have a carving knife on you, as well as keyblanks. You will
want to make sure you have a perfect bonus and no wounds, for the best
results in your carve'n. You will need lockpicking skills as well as mech
lore skills to be able to carve anything decent. Lockpick'n will determine
the quality of your lockpicks, and mech lore will determine if you break them
and how often."
Eyoni gets a silver-hilted craftsman's knife from inside her thigh quiver.
Eyoni gets a soft iron keyblank from inside her black gypsy's knapsack.
Eyoni says, "Also agility, agility, agility, I can not stress enough how much
agility plays into not only carving skills, but a lot of your other thiefly
skills as well! Please do NOT neglect your other stats because they each
have their place. "
Eyoni says, "You will want to play around with room locations for the best
possible place for you to carve, this is a trial and error process. I have
learned that what's good for one person isn't always good for another, as
well as I'm positive that sometimes one room will be good for carve'n one day
then the next day it won't be all that good, so it's best to have several
locations picked out."
Eyoni casually observes the area.
Eyoni says, "Next let's talk about the different types of keyblanks. Now if
you have yet to find where to get keyblanks I will leave you with this one
clue because this is one of them secrets I was talk'n about earlier. "
Eyoni says, "There is a shop in Shard that sells them, of course your choice
as to if you buy em or steal em. I personally purchase them for the simple
fact that I go there to carve lockpicks and do not want to risk ruin'n my
bonus, on a fluke of being caught lift'n a few keyblanks. "
Eyoni says, "Anyway I'm rambling, the shop is indeed in Shard, and you will
have to talk to peoples, talk to peoples, talk to peoples, this is a puzzle
and that's about all I the details I'm willing to give to you on the
Eyoni babbles to herself for a while.
Eyoni says, "Now let's talk about the different type of keyblanks since we've
gotten location out of the way. I'll name the shop keyblanks off in order of
strength from softest to strongest. First you have Ivory, then Copper,
Bronze and Iron."
Eyoni says, "I recommend if you are new to lockpick carve'n that you start
off with the softest one, then work your way up because the softer ones are
easier to carve. "
Eyoni says, "Now I'm going to name off some festival keyblanks in order of
strength from softest to strongest, this is my personal opinion on these
strengths, but I'm sure I'm pretty close. "
Eyoni says, "First you have the Soapstone, then Mother of Pearl, Rusted Iron,
Multi-hued Platium, Steel, Steel-Alloy, and Diamodique. Now I have never
personally seen a Diamodique keyblank but I do know they sell a Diamodique
lockpick in the shop, so I assume there is such a keyblank out there, it's
just very very rare."
Eyoni says, "Move'n on let's talk about Qaulity of the lockpicks after you've
carved them. From worst to best you have Crude (which most non thieves
carve), Rough, Stout, Common, Slim, Quality, Superior, Professional, Masters,
and last but definately not least Grandmasters. "
Eyoni says, "Being a thief gives you a natural bonus to carve'n lockpicks and
you will move up the ranks of quality, by your lockpick'n skills and your
mech lore skills, again agility does play into carve'n. "
Eyoni says, "Grandmaster lockpicks are the ultimate goal right now, and luck
plays a big part in carve'n these. I have to date carved one Grandmaster,
and I carved it when I had 217 in lockpick, 147 in mech lore, and 37 in
Eyoni beams!
Eyoni says, "I strongly believe I had a serious lucky streak that day as well
as my agility playing into it, because I'm pretty sure there are thieves out
there with much more skills then I and have yet to carve a Grandmaster."
Eyoni grins.
Eyoni says, "Ok let's put everything I've talked about together, and I'll add
in a few more details. "
Eyoni says, "You will want to aquire your keyblanks, and find a room to carve
in. You want to make sure your bonus is clean and you are wound free. I
personally remove all my armor before carving, then I throw up khri #1 and
#2. "
Eyoni says, "I've heard that kneeling helps, as well as no burden, I
personally choose to sit. Get your carve'n knife out and a keyblank and
begin the process by "carve my keyblank with my knife"."
Eyoni whistles softly to herself as she whittles away on her lockpick.
Eyoni says, "This is the first step to carve'n, when you have finished that
carve move on to, "carve my lockpick with my knife"."
Eyoni whistles softly to herself as she whittles away on her lockpick.
Eyoni says, "You continue carve'n down your lockpick til you can not carve it
any further, or it snaps. You will learn mech lore from carve'n, you will
also learn appraisal if you purchase the keyblanks."
Eyoni says, "When you are done with these steps you will be the proud owner
of a nice new lockpick. For your knowledge you can appraise the condition of
your lockpick when it is finished. Some people will pay more for a Excellent
condition lockpick then they will for a Fair condition one. The condition of
the lockpick is determined by how many bends you put in the lockpick when
carve'n it."
Eyoni says, "I will list the conditions from worst to best: twisted like a
pretzel, bad, poor, decent, fair, good, fine, mint, and excellent. Now the
softer the keyblank the less likely you will be to get anything more then
decent or fine. "
Eyoni says, "And that dear friends is how you carve a lockpick! "
Eyoni beams!
Eyoni says, "I would like to give special thanks to all those that helped me
with my information here. First I'd like to thank Shaydee, she reminded me
of a lot of things I wouldn't of mentioned cuz I forgot what it's like to be
just starting out. "
Eyoni exclaims, "Next I'd like to thank in no particular order, Zoura, Soim,
Addlestone and Nelff for helping me with the conditions of lockpicks as well
as the different types of festival keyblanks, also thanks to Rayfe for
informing me there is a twisted like a pretzel condition hehee!"
Eyoni exclaims, "I will now open the floor for Question. Tankee tankee, all
for listening in to my mindless ramblings, I do hope I helped you out a bit!"
Eyoni smiles.
Eyoni puts her knife in her thigh quiver.