Box Traps!

Here I have compiled a list of all the traps I've run across in DR. I do hope you enjoy and as always be sure to leave the boxes to the professionals.

Razor trap.

Description: Out of the corner of your eye, you notice a glint of razor sharp steel hidden within a suspicious looking seam on the strongbox.

Affect: This box will cut your hands off if you fail it.

Gas trap.

Description: You notice a vial of lime green liquid just under the strongbox's lid. The stopper is attached so that the vial will open when the top is lifted.

Affect: This box is a room affect box, you fail this one and you poison the entire room and anyone that might happen to run through until the gas cloud clears.

Bouncing Box.

Description: Looking into the keyhole you see what seems to be a pin lodged against the tumblers of the lock. Connected to the pin is a small shaft that runs downward into a shadow.

Affect: This trap if failed will send your box bouncing from room to room spitting out your goodies for anyone to snatch up.

Shapeshifting Trap.

Description: While checking the trunk with an careful eye, you notice a lumpy green rune hidden inside the box near the lock.

Affect: This trap is always a fun one, you mess this one up and plan on spending some time playing leap frog.

Shocker box.

Description: You notice two silver studs right below the keyhole which look dangerously out of place there.

Affect: Expect to get the jolt of your life if you fail this trap.

Disease Trap.

Descrption: While inspecting the chest patiently, you see what appears to be a small, swollen animal bladder recessed inside the keyhole.

Affect: Heh run to the nearest empath if you fail this trap, and pray to the gods she's a real good empath.

Poison Trap.

Description: You notice a tiny needle with a greenish discoloration on its tip hidden next to the keyhole.

Affect: You'll get a simple pinprick on you little finger, which will poison you if you fail this trap.

Another Poison Trap.

Description: You notice a tiny needle with a rust colored discoloration on its tip hidden next to the keyhole.

Affect: Refer to the previous trap on affects.

Bolt Trap with Poison.

Description: You find a serious of openings on the front of the chest concealing the points of several crossbow bolts glistening with moisture.

Affect: Double wammies, mess this one up and not only do you get shot, but poisoned as well.

Lightening Trap.

Description: Looking closely into the keyhole, you spy what appears to be a pulsating ball with some sort of metal lacing around it. The lacing runs to meet a coin sized piece of metal near the keyhole itself.

Affect: Baaaad things, ever been fried by a warmies lightening bolt? Same theory.

Mana Trap.

Description: While checking the trunk for traps, you notice a bronze seal over the trunk's lock. The seal is covered in strange runes and a glass sphere is embedded within it.

Affect: If you aren't a mage this trap won't affect you at all if you fail, but if you are expect to be without mana for quite a while.

Boomer Trap.

Description: A glistening black square, surrounded by a tight ring of fibrous cord, catches your eye.

Affect: Name says it all.... Kablamo!

Acid Trap.

Description: As you look closesly, you notice a tiny hole right next to the lock which looks to be a trap of some kind.

Affect: This trap right here is the reason I ALWAYS remove my armor to disarm. The acid will eat through your armor and into you.

Shock Wave Trap.

Description: Right above the lock inside the keyhole, you see a tiny metal tub just poking out of a small wad of brown clay.Looking closely into the keyhole, you spy what appears to be a pulsating ball with some sort of metal lacing around it. The lacing runs to meet a coin sized piece of metal near the keyhole itself.

Affect: Another area trap, this one blows you up and anyone around you sending them flying into adjacent rooms, leaving your ears ringing.

Naphtha Box.

Description: A tiny striker is cleverly concealed under the lid, set to ignite a frighteningly large vial of naphtha.

Affect: This is yet another area affect, it will blow you up and others in the room, sometimes others can avoid the blast, but it is a good idea to do this box away from others.

Bolt Box.

Description: You find a series of openings on the front of the strongbox concealing the points of several wickedly barbed crossbow bolts.

Affect: Shoots you, did you expect more?

Curse Trap.

Description: While checking the chest with an careful eye, you notice a small glowing rune hidden inside the box near the lock.

Affect: Goof on this one and you best start seeking out a cleric with uncurse.

Laughing Gas Box.

Description: Examining the box for traps reveals a tiny glass tube filled with a black gaseous substance of some sort and a tiny hammer at the redy to do what it was designed for.

Affect: Fun trap, affects the room. Definately not a harmful box.

Shrapnel Trap.

Description: Squinting slightly to see better, you notice the chest's keyhole packed tightly with a powder around the inside of the lock.

Affect: Oof blow this one and expect to be picking slivers out of you and anyone around you for a while.

Shadowling Trap.

Description: While scanning the caddy with an careful eye, you notice a small black crystal deep in the shadows of the oaken caddy.

Affect: Pretty harmless, it makes you act like a shadowling and it's duration isn't to long. Kinda a fun trap.

Mime Trap.

Description: A tiny bronze face, Fae in appearance, grins ridiculously from its place on the wooden skippet. Some sort of fatty bladder sticks out from the edges of this miniature metallic visage.

Affect: Fairly nasty trap, it turns you into a Mime. Duration from what I hear is rather long, you can't do much of anything because you are stuck in an imaginary box. You can get a cleric to uncurse you to end it's affects.

New Traps!

Reaper Trap.

Description: A crust-covered black scarab of some unidentifiable substance clings to the iron caddy by six tiny legs, all of which are firmly imbedded into the metal and don't look very easy to remove.

Affect: Don't blow this one, pretty much insta death.

Flea Trap.

Description: Imbedded in the front of the copper case is a small glass tube of milky-white opacity. Small black dots bounce inside, though the lack of transparency makes it impossible to be certain what they are.

Affect: If you blow this one, folks will think you either forgot to take a bath or have been hanging out with one to many Prydaen's.

Teleport Trap.

Description: The hinges of the deobar caddy are covered with a thin metal circle that has been lacquered with a shade of bright crimson.

Affect: Count your blessings if the right moons happen to be out.

Fae Thief Trap.

Description: Right in the center of the steel caddy's front is the painted image of a small yet amazingly pretty Elf girl. Surprisingly, as you study the trap, her embossed lips purse as if offering up a kiss.

Affect: Looks can be decieving, don't get caught with your pants down!